America Has Gone Crazy: A 79-Year-Old Woman Was Just Sentenced To Prison For Feeding Stray Cats

In order for any society to function smoothly, the vast majority of the people need to behave at least somewhat rationally. Of course there are always going to be exceptions, and we understand that, but most of us operate under the assumption that most of the people that we are going to encounter in our daily lives are not going to act like nutjobs. Unfortunately, that may not be a safe assumption any longer.

As our society literally degenerates right in front of our eyes, it seems like someone has opened up the barn doors and let out all the crazies. And the truth is that “our leaders” are some of the best examples of this phenomenon. Just look at some of the winners that we have running for president. Quite a few of them are far more qualified for the insane asylum than they are for the highest office in the land. Of course it doesn’t end with our politicians. All across this country, it seems like people in positions of power can’t think straight any longer.

If you doubt this, just consider what just happened to a 79-year-old woman in Ohio named Nancy Segula. When her neighbor moved away, he left a couple cats behind, and they became very hungry. So Segula would feed them and care for them, because she didn’t want them to suffer. Well, eventually one of her neighbors found out about this, and the animal warden was called…
  • “It began in 2017 with me feeding stray kitties. I used to have a neighbor that had a couple cats and he moved away so he left them,” Segula said. “I would always feed them and care for them because I was worried about them and I’m a cat lover. Once my neighbors got upset about it, they called the animal warden.”

She got her first citation in 2017.

Segula wasn’t about to abandon the suffering cats, and so she just kept on feeding them, and the neighbors kept calling the animal warden.

Over time, she received a total of four citations.

Unfortunately, the most recent citation required her to appear in court, and when she did a judge sentenced her to 10 days in jail…

Her latest citation required her to appear before Magistrate Jeffrey Short last week. He sentenced her to 10 days in the Cuyahoga County Jail.

“I couldn’t believe what my mother was telling me. She gets 10 days in the county jail, I couldn’t believe it,” said Dave Pawlowski, her son son. “I’m sure people hear about the things that happen downtown in that jail. And they are going to let my 79-year-old mother go there?”


Is this what our society has become?

Putting a 79-year-old woman in prison for feeding stray cats is stone cold crazy, but this judge in Ohio is actually doing it.

Are we going to start putting all senior citizens who feed cats in prison? If so, then my parents are in all sorts of trouble, because they have been feeding stray cats for many, many years.

Having compassion for those in need should never be against the law. In previous articles, I have written about how many major cities in America are now passing laws against feeding the homeless.

Well I am sorry – if I see someone in need and I want to give that person some food, no law is going to stop me from doing so.

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