Black hole SHOCK: How Albert Einstein was RIGHT about the universe more than 100 years ago

BLACK holes merging together into one produce powerful ripples through the fabric of time and space, known as gravitational waves, which Albert Einstein incredibly predicted more than 100 years ago.

Black holes remain one of the biggest mysteries of the cosmos even 103 years after physicist Karl Schwarzschild first predicted their existence. Black holes cannot be seen or measured in conventional methods, and until recent developments, remained a hypothetical scenario. In 2015, scientists detected the side effect of two black holes merging together, which seemingly proved right one of the brightest minds of the 20th century – Albert Einstein. Black holes locked into an orbit around one another – binary black holes – will eventually fall towards each other and merge.

The tremendous force of impact radiates so-called gravitational waves, which according to the European Space Agency (ESA) are “fluctuations in the fabric of spacetime”.

Both black holes and gravitational waves were resolved from Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which the German-born physicist presented in 1915.

General relativity remains to date the best theory explaining the inner-machinations of the universe.

ESA said: “Karl Schwarzschild derived the equations for black holes in 1916, but they remained rather a theoretical curiosity for several decades, until X-ray observations performed with space telescopes could finally probe the highly energetic emission from matter in the vicinity of these extreme objects.

“The first ever image of a black hole’s dark silhouette, cast against the light from matter in its immediate surrounding, was only captured recently by the Event Horizon Telescope and published just last month.

“As for gravitational waves, it was Einstein himself who predicted their existence from his theory, also in 1916, but it would take another century to finally observe these fluctuations.”

Another of Einstein’s theories, however, was proven only a few years after general relativity saw the light of day.

In 1919, a total eclipse of the Sun produced evidence of the gravitational bending of light or gravitational lensing.


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