Cats in Nigeria 1
Source: Cats & kitten As a feline advocate, I fancy cats with no exceptions. From their endearing and somewhat googly eyes, their cleanliness to their sometimes aloof attitude. Where I am from, a lot of folks detest this furry animal. If you hate cats first ask yourself why you detest them so much, is it societal belief, or do you just hate them out of nowhere? Remember that, hatred always stems out of somewhere. Now that you have identified your reason for disliking cats, we can move further to why people hate cats, especially in my country -Nigeria. I call these misconceptions, because it is what it is, misconceptions about cats in Nigeria. In the three major tribes of Nigeria, there is a dislike of cats due to some beliefs about them being used as a sort of channel by an evil spirit, therefore, making them demonize cats in general. From my conversations with some elderly, I discovered that the major misconception is the association of cats with the evil spiri...