© ganiuofficial from picart ****** Ganiu stepped out of the warm comfort of his best friend’s house into the cold harmattan air. The sun was quickly slipping beneath the horizon and the trees of the forest cast long twisted shadows across the yard. Ganiu said goodbye to his friend and thanked his mother for having him over, as their goodbyes drew to a close the front door swung shut, and a silence fell over Ganiu. He stared out across the lawn into the twilight forest that awaited him. It was only a fifteen minute walk from his friend’s house to his own, and he had made that walk countless times before, but as he watched the night descend upon the world, something sinister began to fill the shadows. Ganiu knew what was coming next. It didn’t happen often, but he knew tonight it would be coming for him. There was an acute sense of dread in the air, and he could almost feel its gaze watching him from the ever lengthening shadows. Ganiu stepped off his friend’s porch and into the ni...